Kentucky Wonder Green (P) Bean Seeds - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Bean Kentucky Wonder Green (P) Seeds | OSC Seeds

OSC 1210

Regular price $2.19
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A strong, hardy and vigorous climber that is a prolific producer of round, meaty pods 18-20cm (7-8") long. A tried and true variety producing top quality green beans with a distinctive pleasing taste. Brown SeedHOW TO GROW

4-5 seeds/gram The growth requirements for pole beans are mostly the same as bush beans. The main difference is pole beans need to be grown on trellises, open weave fencing, nylon bean netting strung between supports or on bamboo or pole teepees. Securely anchor temporary structures to prevent collapse during the growing season. Make sure irrigation supplements rainfall during droughty weather.

Life Cycle: Annual
Propagation: Sow Direct
Days to Emergence: 8
Light: Full Sun
Growth Habit: Climbing
Height: Tall (> 70 cm)
Frost Tolerance: Killed by Frost
Days to Harvest: 65
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
Heritage: Heirloom

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